A couple years back, I went all out and installed a PC in my '95 Chevy S-10. I purchased a MP3Car custom car computer and an in-dash motorized LCD touchscreen all from mp3car.com. Other than a 12V power supply that was shipped DOA, everything else worked.
A couple years later, I was parked overnight in the city and someone broke into my truck and stolen the radio and the in-dash LCD. On the bright side, they hadn't taken the actual computer that was behind the seat.
Recently I dusted off the computer and purchased a new 12V LCD touchscreen. I haven't yet spent the time to permanently mount the unit in the car, but I have attached the LCD mounting bracket to a spacer piece in the dash, above the radio.
Unfortunately the spacer isn't really designed to hold any weight, so I nailed a piece of scrap wood to it re-enforce it's ability to hold weight. Not the most elegant solution, but it works ;-).
With the LCD mount in place, and the computer wired up sitting on the passenger seat, the next step is going to be finding a more permanent and out-of-the way placement for the machine and all the wires.
No matter how it's mounted, it was definitely ready to take out for a test drive and do something fun with.
Spring storms have passed through, the earth soaked up the life giving liquor that fell from the sky. The tulips have bloomed and since dropped their petals to the earth. The trees in the backyard, silent for a season, have started a fresh conversation with the wind.
I saw a bumblebee bouncing in the breeze the other day, legs loaded and hanging orange, visiting the numerous blossoms of the flowering redbud tree. I thought about how the bees were all disappearing and sighed. A harbinger of drastic change in our environment lies in the stinging menace. Children jump up, yelling and waving their arms, to escape them. Adults, with intense faces, avoid them with haste. I watch in wonder, this insect bobble through the air. Never would I have thought, the bee could go extinct.
Spring is a time of new beginnings, not only in the dirt, but in people's hearts as well. Flowers are not the only things blossoming.
Middle of the night over tired insomnia Pulling sleep is like waking teeth Maybe every thing is for the best or at least fatally unchangeable
predetermination is inherited incapacity change is scary and hard to do I walk and hear the televisions in the middle the mixture is brown
the blue and white light flashes hypnotic my parents sleep in different rooms to different subliminal dream seed perhaps you're better half off without me
I wonder what the TV dreams when it's not awake selling sex fear desire and greed soaking up hours and years making escaping scapegoat faking love near
What is the sound of a family of one where are none of your friends keep them close mistaking the reason grab the cat hear the fat purring clear
There are a few fish in the freezer but they're disappearing from the sea and the streams of thoughts pour out of my head like blood
The jeans are tight and i'm singing high pitched with fright the night seems to last all mourning and i don't know what's worth the fight
i can't spell and don't believe in heaven gory to god in the high fear of hell let swell the choking choirs cries at least to make me feel something
I well up constantly but cannot cry
I'm keeping it all pinched inside
I want something to hurt me outright
Clear my Clouded Sight
Alas, We are all absolutely alone in the end Collect you, one or one hundred friends Have a Husband or a Wife and Five Children nigh Not one person can come with you when you die
When my time draws near I hope I've let go of my fear so that if I do go somewhere to dwell Inside my mind it would be heaven