Middle of the night over tired insomnia
Pulling sleep is like waking teeth
Maybe every thing is for the best
or at least fatally unchangeable
predetermination is inherited incapacity
change is scary and hard to do
I walk and hear the televisions
in the middle the mixture is brown
the blue and white light flashes hypnotic
my parents sleep in different rooms
to different subliminal dream seed
perhaps you're better half off without me
I wonder what the TV dreams when it's not awake
selling sex fear desire and greed
soaking up hours and years making
escaping scapegoat faking love near
What is the sound of a family of one
where are none of your friends
keep them close mistaking the reason
grab the cat hear the fat purring clear
There are a few fish in the freezer
but they're disappearing from the sea
and the streams of thoughts
pour out of my head like blood
The jeans are tight and i'm singing
high pitched with fright
the night seems to last all mourning
and i don't know what's worth the fight
i can't spell and don't believe in heaven
gory to god in the high fear of hell
let swell the choking choirs cries
at least to make me feel something
I well up constantly
but cannot cry
I'm keeping it all pinched inside
I want something to hurt me outright
Clear my Clouded Sight
Alas, We are all absolutely alone in the end
Collect you, one or one hundred friends
Have a Husband or a Wife and Five Children nigh
Not one person can come with you when you die
When my time draws near
I hope I've let go of my fear
so that if I do go somewhere to dwell
Inside my mind it would be heaven
Also available as a Podcast:
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